around here 6.8.14

It's been an amazing couple of weeks. Last week I got to go out flying with the boy and his friend. His friend is a pilot and took us out to have lunch in Camarillo. I am fairly terrified of heights and cannot remember the last time I was in such a small plane but he is such a great pilot, it ended up being really fun! 

Look at this puppy. The summer of odd jobs continues with some puppy sitting. She is a cute little pup and slept most of the time. Best job ever.

On our way back from up North, we stopped at the Manzanar Barracks off the 395. It was really hard to see how this huge part of our history was allowed to disappear into the desert. It was good to see that major work is being done to preserve the site and create a museum that allows you to really understand what the US did to Japanese Americans during WWII. The above picture was from the cemetery where people have left coins and these for those they lost. 

My garden is thriving and it is really exciting. This will be my first sunflower to bloom any day now. I planted a lot more flowers this year to try and help out the bees and the butterflies. I can't wait to see them blooming.


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