march fitness goal: 10,000 steps a day

While I focused on different things I love about fitness last month, this month my personal goal is to get 10,000 steps a day. So far, this has been challenging. I have been about 1000-2000 steps short. But it is inspiring and fun to watch my progress. 

I have been monitoring my progress using a fitbit zip that I purchased at Target. (As with all my posts, this is not sponsored by anyone.) I really like it so far, especially because with my job I am on my feet all day. It was great to see just how many steps I take in the classroom (Usually 3,000 a day!). It helped me set more realistic goals for my weekly work outs because I realized how much I was doing during my job that I wasn't considering when I was pushing myself in the evenings. I hope to review the fitbit zip later this month after I have spent more time using it. For now I can saw, it is easy to use and it really is changing the way I approach my day. 

Why 10,000 steps a day? Sometimes it the smallest goals that help you see the biggest results. 10,000 steps as opposed to last months goal of taking a lot of classes at the gym, has led to some changes in my routine that are not all fitness related. I am taking longer walks with my dog, I am outside more, and I find myself at the gym more days per week, trying new things. 

I'll be sharing my progress on this and more on why I want to take 10,000 steps a day as the month continues. 

What are your fitness goals this month? 


Disclaimer: I am not a fitness expert and do not claim to be one. Everything stated above is my opinion, not advice, and you should always consult your doctor before starting a new fitness routine.

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