fitness: new month, new goals

It's already been April for a week and I have yet to set any real fitness goal for myself. I have a hard time with setting fitness goals. I am not a fitness blogger by any definition but I enjoy writing about my goals and progress on here because it does help keep me motivated, which for me is that hardest part. Having a section on fitness on this blog helps me maintain my motivation and focus and to hopefully contribute to the community of those who have a focus on fitness in their life but aren't really fitness gurus, fitness isn't their whole life.

Lately, with yoga, I am having a problem with motivation. I am having a really hard time committing to the practice. I always talk myself out of doing yoga at home and the studio I love going to is a little bit of a drive for me so it is easy to make excuses. But when I do go, I love it. I've talked before about how much I love it and why. This month, I want to just focus on consistency. I want to focus on a consistent practice because it benefits me in so many ways. Instead of setting a physical goal for myself (like 10,000 steps last month) I am going to focus on making sure I practice yoga three times a week and that I am going to explore more about the benefits, principles, and foundation behind various styles of yoga.

So, all you yoga fans out there, what is your favorite style of yoga and why?


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